Consultancy is always available for SEO & Marketing consultancy solutions that deliver. With a solid track record performs beyond your expectations! Whether you are looking for a short term solution or need guidance and advise for a longer period we don’t disappoint. We work hands-on and deliver on the work floor. SEO & Marketing consultancy doesn’t stop at giving advise, creating a nice presentation and leaving you with; “Hey we told you what would be best, it’s up to you to execute!



Managing operations has never been easy but since 2006 it became even tougher. Strong local competition and a sudden movement towards Europe of former US faced operations challenge us to invest in service. Operations that follow their competition are doomed. Here at 12tix we don’t analyse competitors, we don’t “do what the market does”. If analyses is needed it is there… at your face! Operators that have been around for a while have one thing in common…tunnel vision. The option to move to the left or right are gone. 12tix looks at the end of the tunnel without forgetting considering the emergency escapes provided at every tunnel!


Affiliate program

Ever asked yourself the question, quantity or quality?! For sure you did and your answer was, quality, not? Of course it was, we all want to receive the best quality at the lowest price. Value for money? Wait!


So you want quality…, do you really expect that setting quantity targets for your staff will contribute to achieve your goal? It’s common in our industry that we allow ourselves to work with two different road maps and usually people get lost. Stick to one and make sure that the ride goes smooth and both your passengers and you arrive at destination in good shape. Start and finish are on the same route!


Product placement

Isn’t it great to have a superb performing product? But you still searching for the right marketing channels and loads of customers? Besides relying on your platform you should be able to rely on your providers. Open door, not? Hence product placement on social media of influentials could beĀ  an idea for you. Let’s discuss the opportunities!


Consider this, 50-75% of traffic sources do not convert due to “wrong information” in the ads or even… on your site! Wouldn’t it be nice to make sure that you are able to turn that percentage down to anything below 25% without additional costs? Ask yourself how much that is in a year…!