Media is able to reach millions of people across a variety of media channels. With years of experience in online marketing we are able to; serve your ads across a network like Google, Bing, Yahoo and many more. We are able to create related websites and run ad-campaigns in the majority of the social media channels. All high performing CPC, CPA and CPM campaigns. Our extensive network of portals provides the opportunity to advertise worldwide.


Internet marketing is leading in commercial advertisement. 12tix has experience in competitive markets and with their network of affiliates, that work according good SEO practices, your internet advertisements will be displayed on leading websites that rank highly in search engine and are able to reach the audience you want.

12tix specializes in sports gear, watches, and green energy. 12tix manages several portfolios and media portals.

Televised commercials

Whether your television commercial needs to be broadcast in Europe, Asia or a specific country we make sure your message will be noticed by the audience you target. A perfect mix of non-conventional strategy tactics and a marketing team that realizes that “to be seen” is simply not enough these days guarantees the best commercials.


12tix provides campaigns that are noticed by those you want! Broadcasting your advertisements on commercial channels with a high density of potential customers, during peak hours, guarantees that your product will be seen, talked about and sold!


Radio commercials

Although media commercials on internet and television guarantee high performing campaigns most media specialists underestimate the results that could be achieved with radio commercials. Broadcasting your ads on radio stations is relatively cheap compared to television campaigns whilst results could be comparable.


Choosing the right channels, timing and using commercials that are “on the edge” assures you that your product will leave an impression that activates your new clients. People will speak about your product and we guarantee that your ads will leave an lasting impression!